Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Week 10: Post 3

I think that my favorite post from the semester would have to be “the medium is the message.” It was the most interesting me to because it actually got me thinking for quite a while and it is something that is very present in our daily lives but not something that we necessarily think about on a daily basis. Marshall McLuhan expressed his idea which is that “the channel through which a message is transmitted is s important as the message itself and that the channel, in fact often determines which messages will be transmitted and which will be ignored.” We obviously encounter many different forms of media everyday and some of the messages that the media puts out there are completely ignored because the channel that the message is sent through. I think that is so interesting. Personally I am more likely to receive a message over the radio or in print than over the television because I don’t have cable; other people might be the opposite. I like this concept because it explains something that is so real in everyone’s lives, even if we don’t recognize it, it is happening all around us.


At August 12, 2010 at 10:46 PM , Blogger gunnerisfunner said...

Hi Eleanor Rigby,

Thank you for your post. First, I want to thank you for your writing contributions during this course. I just love your writing style and you were certainly someone who always intrigued me with her posts. I’m not sure if you love to write or if it just comes easy to you, but I certainly believe you should continue to write, especially in this style. You bring a vibrant life to all of your responses. Now, related to your post, I appreciated the “medium is the message” discussion as well. I love when theoretical concepts push your previous understandings beyond their boundaries and require you time to reflect.

(: gunnerisfunner

At August 12, 2010 at 11:09 PM , Blogger LisaDesigning said...

This concept is favorite of mine as well, though I did not choose to write about it in my blog. I am happy you did! Since this concept is very much a part of all of our lives. Our media exposure will depend on what we choose to view, read, listen to, or watch. The proper channels to any message will make for a successful message. I also don't have cable, my television exposure is through Netflix and Hulu. Internet advertising is more likely to reach me than a television commercial. As a graphic designer I have to put thought into this concept of medium is the message into the designs I create and how I spread them. Good choice on your favorite concept to post!!!


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