Monday, July 26, 2010

Week 8: Post 2

What comes to mind immediately when asked what moral dilemmas ethnographers face is: al the sneaking around and not telling people everything that is happening. First of all in ethnography there are times when researchers go “under cover.” Also, the researcher tries not to impose their own values and morals on the data which could in turn compromise the morals of the researcher. I feel like the only ways in which someone could resolve these problems would be to just block out the moral dilemma and tell yourself that everything you are doing whether it is right or wrong is for the research. Ethnographers are observing people and while they are observing people it is professional and scientific and not personal. If the researchers are keeping things professional and not personal then morals should stay out of it. I think that this is my least favorite chapter. All the others are so interesting because they can be applied to EVERYDAY life while this chapter is pretty much only relevant if you are doing some type of research.


At July 26, 2010 at 8:38 PM , Blogger gunnerisfunner said...

Hey Eleanor Rigby:

Thanks for your post. I have to admit I giggled a bit when you stated distaste for Chapter 13! I certainly have to agree in some respect and I believe if you continue to pursue communication study you’ll find how research methods are present in “everyday life.” I think because research is seen as something only to be “studied” and not to be “lived,” it becomes abstract and mundane. I have found both ethnographic and performance methods invite us to engage and removes the impersonal from the process.
Also, I agree an important part of defying moral dilemmas, as an ethnographer is to “block out the moral dilemma and tell yourself that everything you are doing whether it is right or wrong is for the research.” This speaks to me because I find myself having to “remove the emotions” from numerous decisions I make regarding students’ status after a violation has occurred to the Student Conduct Code. I have an obligation to hold students accountable and to maintain the integrity of the institution, but removing a student from housing or suspending them from the university has never been easy on me and it is not a power I misuse.

(: gunnerisfunner


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