Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Week 6: Post 2

I was just talking with my girl friend about the subject the other day. We came to the conclusion that over time we have matured and things have started to matter more than looks and height and the way one dresses. A few years ago I would say that the characteristics and behaviors that led me to judge others as attractive or unattractive would be things like the way someone dressed, their height, and their body type. I feel shallow saying that. Duck’s theory makes perfect sense to me, when I read it I thought about the relationships I have been in and it seems to go hand in hand with what Duck calls the filtering theory. I have definitely eliminated someone using a sociological and/or pre-interaction cues, I think that most everyone has at some point or another.

A time I have used a sociological cue to eliminate a potential partner is just by living in San Jose. When I moved away from southern California I was eliminating all potential partners that lived at home while I was opening myself up to a whole new group of people in northern California. I have also used pre-interaction cues by judging people by first impressions. There have definitely been times when I have judged people too soon and reconsidered the judgments that I had previously mad. As I get older I realize that it is better to skip pre-interaction cues but of course that is not something that people can always help.


At July 14, 2010 at 1:42 PM , Blogger Sweet Dee said...

I absolutely agree with your post. I too talked about how I used to judge people based on outward appearance. However, the older I am getting, the more open I am to getting to know a person before making a judgement. Now, of course I would be lying if I said I never judged people. Even though that sounds shallow, it's the truth.
How long ago did you move to San Jose from southern California? Are you still able to continue some of the relationships (romantic or not) that you established while you were there? Do you have any plans on moving back? The reason I ask is because I was wondering if you developed relationships here and your location changed if you would continue those relationships.

At July 15, 2010 at 12:03 AM , Blogger chubbyhub said...

I am from southern cali too! what city are you from?
I wanted to say it is really great that you and your girl friend can see beyond all the superficial layer of what a relationship is. I can beyond the flaws and everything once I know someone, like i have their respect and they have mine. But trying not to judge another individual on attractive or superficial characteristics off the bat is really hard! Does the person look inviting, are they creepy looking, should I assume he has herpes because he is talking to a bunch of girls. These are the random thoughts i have while just observing. If u want a romantic relationship you have to be proud of the person you are bringing around your life, whether it be superficial or not. We gotta use some type of filtering system, maybe my way isnt the best though.

At July 15, 2010 at 12:16 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Sweet Dee – I moved from southern California 3 years ago when I started school at San Jose State. The relationships that have continued since I moved away are the types of relationship where you can not talk to each other for 2 years and everything will still be exactly how it was before. All the important relationships I have had from home, I still have. I do not plan on moving back, I have become a much different person then the people who live where I grew up.

Cubbyhub – I am from Mission Viejo =]


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